エチオピア連邦民主共和国 ETHIOPIA

Ethiopia is a unique land of origins in the horn of Africa. It’s a multicultural country with over 80 ethnic groups and languages. It’s wealthy in natural resources, is the source of the Blue Nile and is considered to be the water tower of Africa.
There are more than 15 Ethiopians living in Tottori Prefecture. Most of us are researchers working at the Arid Land Research Center (ALRC) of Tottori University. To learn more about our country Ethiopia, please see the data, videos and websites below. Thanks!

地図で見るエチオピア Ehiopia Map

エチオピアの情報 Information on Ethiopia
(和) エチオピア < https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/エチオピア >
(英) Ethiopia Tourism Site < http://www.moct.gov.et>
(英) Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tuorismcultureethiopia/
ビデオ Youtube Videos about Ethiopia
(英) Ethiopia: Land of Origins
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r74MyJt49uk >
(英) Discover Ethiopia
< www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKQ-EM6DP4s&t=213s >
(英) History of Ethiopia
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZjHIUHm6gY >
(和) エチオピア料理レシピの紹介
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ye9wgKXnJq8 >
(和) 現場ビデオ報告:A Japanese Vlog in AdisAbeba
< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwDbxutuqO4 >
私達のTIME Festival 2020「エチオピアサイト」を見てください!
Would you like to learn more about Ethiopia? Then go to our TIME Festival 2020 site below!
More Ethiopia Data and Photos!